(saveFormat "2.3") (date "Thu 07/Nov/2002 15:33:46 ") (veerev "6.01") (platform "PC") (execMode v6) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (sysconfig (iodevice "newInstrument3" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 10) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "dh pg7302") (ppAddr "GPIB0::10::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "dh pg7302" (standard 488))) (iodevice "newInstrument4" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 14) (subchannel 11) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "" (standard 488))) (iodevice "paroscientific" (type Serial) (gateway "This host") (channel 1) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\r\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 25) (byteOrder 0) (model "") (baudRate 9600) (charSize 8) (stopBits 1) (parity off) (handshake off) (recvBufferSize 4096)) (iodevice "Ruska2455" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 32) (subchannel 11) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (eoiEnabled 1) (model "Ruska2455" (standard 488))) (iodevice "PG7302" (type GPIB) (gateway "This host") (channel 32) (subchannel 10) (readTerm "\n") (fs ",") (eol "\n") (multiField dataOnly) (arrayFormat linear) (timeout 5) (byteOrder 0) (idn "dh pg7302") (ppAddr "GPIB0::10::INSTR") (eoiEnabled 1) (model "dh pg7302" (standard 488)))) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (activexControls (activexControl 1 (libid "{4DE9E2A3-150F-11CF-8FBF-444553540000}") (desc "DriverLINX ActiveX Controls") (filename "C:\\DRVLINX4\\COMMON\\DLXOCX32.OCX") (verMajor 4) (verMinor 0) (lcid 0))) (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 170) (popupTitleText "Untitled") (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (device 10 START25 (properties (name "Initialize Driver"))) (device 87 ACTIVEXCONTROL (properties (name "DriverLINXSR") (variableName "DriverLINXSR") (objectType "DlsrLib.DriverLINXSR")) (implementation (state 17 #H00000400E5020000E50200004000000001 ))) (device 88 FORMULA (properties (name "Configure Channel 1 for output") (expr 21 "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem=DL_DO;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode=DL_OTHER;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op=DL_CONFIGURE; // configure operation" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type=DL_DIOSETUP;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_dioChannel=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_dioMode=DL_DIO_BASIC;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "resultCode=DriverLINXSR.Res_result();" "DriverLINXSR.message;" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "")) (interface (output 1 (name "ResultCode") (optional yes)) (output 2 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 106 FORMULA (properties (name "Open KPCI-PIO Driver") (expr 1 "DriverLINXSR.Req_DLL_name=\"KPCIPIO\"")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 111 CONSTANT (properties (name "Int32")) (interface (output 1 (name "Int32") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 128)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 113 FORMULA (properties (name "Initialize Subsystem") (expr 21 "// ----- AddRequestGroupInitialize ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR .Req_device = 0; " "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem = DL_DEVICE;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode = DL_OTHER;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op = DL_INITIALIZE;" "// ----- AddStartEventNullEvent ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "// ----- AddStopEventNullEvent ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "// ----- AddTimingEventNullEvent ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "// ----- AddselectZeroChannels (pg. 39) ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N = 0;" "// ----- AddSelectBuffers ----------------------" "//DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_samples = 0;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_N = 0;" "//DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_notify = DL_NOEVENTS;" "// ----- .Refresh ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "resultCode=DriverLINXSR.Res_result();" "DriverLINXSR.message;")) (interface (output 1 (name "resultCode") (optional yes)) (output 2 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 114 FORMULA (properties (name "Initialize Device") (expr 13 "DriverLINXSR.Req_device = 0;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem = DL_DEVICE;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode = DL_OTHER;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op = DL_INITIALIZE;" "// No events, buffers, channels needed" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N = 0;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_N = 0;" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "resultCode=DriverLINXSR.Res_result();" "DriverLINXSR.message;")) (interface (output 1 (name "resultCode") (optional yes)) (output 2 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 119 START25 (properties (name "Close Drivers"))) (device 120 FORMULA (properties (name "Close Driver") (expr 4 "// ----- AddRequestGroupInitialize ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR.Req_DLL_name = \"\";" "" "")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 123 START25 (properties (name "Close SW 2"))) (device 125 CONSTANT (properties (name "Int32")) (interface (output 1 (name "Int32") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 64)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 128 START25 (properties (name "Close SW 3"))) (device 129 CONSTANT (properties (name "Int32")) (interface (output 1 (name "Int32") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 32)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 132 START25 (properties (name "Close SW 4"))) (device 133 CONSTANT (properties (name "Int32")) (interface (output 1 (name "Int32") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 16)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 134 TEXTDISPLAY (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 135 TEXTDISPLAY (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 136 TEXTDISPLAY (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 137 TEXTDISPLAY (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 138 TEXTDISPLAY (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 139 TEXTDISPLAY (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 140 TOGGLE25 (properties (name "Off SW1 On") (autoTrigger 1)) (interface (output 1 (name "Toggle") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 1)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 148 TOGGLE25 (properties (name "Off SW2 On") (autoTrigger 1)) (interface (output 1 (name "Toggle") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 1)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 149 TOGGLE25 (properties (name "Off SW3 On") (autoTrigger 1)) (interface (output 1 (name "Toggle") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 1)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 150 TOGGLE25 (properties (name "Off SW4 On") (autoTrigger 1)) (interface (output 1 (name "Toggle") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 1)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 156 COLORALARM (properties (name "C.A.") (clearAtPrerun 0) (clearAtActivate 0) (split 0.33) (split2 0.66) (hilabel "1 On") (midlabel "Mid") (lowlabel "1 Off")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (requires (datatype Real64) (shape "Scalar")) (lock name constraints)))) (device 157 CONTEXT (properties (name "Control Relays") (trigMode deg) (nextID 6) (popupTitleText "UserObject") (popupMoveable 1)) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 3 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 4 (name "A") (optional yes))) (deviceList (device 0 FORMULA (properties (name "0: off, 128: on") (expr 2 "(A==0?0:128) // 0=off; 128=on" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 1 FORMULA (properties (name "0: off, 64: on") (expr 2 "(A==0?0:64) // 0=off; 64=on" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 2 FORMULA (properties (name "0: off, 32: on") (expr 2 "(A==0?0:32) // 0=off; 32=on" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 3 FORMULA (properties (name "0:off, 16: on") (expr 2 "(A==0?0:16) // 0=off; 16=on" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 4 FORMULA (properties (expr 1 "A+B+C+D")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (input 2 (name "B") (optional yes)) (input 3 (name "C") (optional yes)) (input 4 (name "D") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 5 FORMULA (properties (name "Send a DO to a Single Channel") (expr 19 "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem=DL_DO;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode=DL_POLLED;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op=DL_START;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_format=DL_tNATIVE;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_start=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_startGainCode=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_samples=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_N=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue=A;" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue" "" "" "" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (configuration (connect I1:1 D0:1) (connect I2:1 D1:1) (connect I3:1 D2:1) (connect I4:1 D3:1) (connect D0:1 D4:1) (connect D1:1 D4:2) (connect D2:1 D4:3) (connect D3:1 D4:4) (connect D4:1 D5:1))) (contextCarrier (active detail) (detail (extent 688 298) (anchorPt 1 67) (configuration (devCarrierFor 0 (active icon) (icon (extent 80 15)) (open (extent 195 47)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 110 80)) (devCarrierFor 1 (active icon) (icon (extent 75 15)) (open (extent 195 47)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 100 130)) (devCarrierFor 2 (active icon) (icon (extent 72 15)) (open (extent 195 47)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 100 180)) (devCarrierFor 3 (active icon) (icon (extent 69 15)) (open (extent 195 47)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 100 230)) (devCarrierFor 4 (active icon) (icon (extent 50 45)) (open (extent 75 102)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 320 90)) (devCarrierFor 5 (active icon) (icon (extent 188 15)) (open (extent 285 267)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 480 90)) (connect I1:1 D0:1 (points 4 -1 -29 10 -29 10 80 67 80)) (connect I2:1 D1:1 (points 4 -1 41 10 41 10 130 60 130)) (connect I3:1 D2:1 (points 4 -1 111 10 111 10 180 61 180)) (connect I4:1 D3:1 (points 4 -1 181 10 181 10 230 63 230)) (connect D0:1 D4:1 (points 4 152 80 170 80 170 70 292 70)) (connect D1:1 D4:2 (points 4 140 130 180 130 180 80 292 80)) (connect D2:1 D4:3 (points 4 138 180 160 180 160 90 292 90)) (connect D3:1 D4:4 (points 6 137 230 150 230 150 220 170 220 170 100 292 100)) (connect D4:1 D5:1 (points 2 347 90 383 90))) (stackingOrder 0 1 2 3 4 5)))) (device 158 COLORALARM (properties (name "C.A.") (clearAtPrerun 0) (clearAtActivate 0) (split 0.33) (split2 0.66) (hilabel "2 On") (midlabel "Mid") (lowlabel "2 Off")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (requires (datatype Real64) (shape "Scalar")) (lock name constraints)))) (device 159 COLORALARM (properties (name "C.A.") (clearAtPrerun 0) (clearAtActivate 0) (split 0.33) (split2 0.66) (hilabel "3 On") (midlabel "Mid") (lowlabel "3 Off")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (requires (datatype Real64) (shape "Scalar")) (lock name constraints)))) (device 160 COLORALARM (properties (name "C.A.") (clearAtPrerun 0) (clearAtActivate 0) (split 0.33) (split2 0.66) (hilabel "4 On") (midlabel "Mid") (lowlabel "4 Off")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data") (requires (datatype Real64) (shape "Scalar")) (lock name constraints)))) (device 161 NOTE (properties (name "Program Description") (text2 38 "This program controls 4 solid State Relays in a Keithley SRA-1 with a" "KPCI-PIO 24 I/O card, using DriverLINX drivers. " "" "Name: DriverLINX KPCI-PIO SRA-1" "Written by D. Olson, NIST, 11/7/02" "" "The computer code comes from the DriverLINX Programming Tutorial " "Manual, and is the Visual Basic example converted to Agilent VEE." "This was written for VEE 6.0. The following is the VEE module and " "the equivalent reference in the Tutorial Manual. " "" "Open KPCI-PIO Driver: page 5-3" "Initializing Device: page 5-5" "Initialize Subsystem: page 5-6" "Configure Channel 1 for Output: page 6-21" "Send DO to a single channel: page 6-21 to 6-22" "Close Driver: page 5-7" "" "To run the program, first click on \"Intialize Driver\". Then, to close" "a single switch and open the others, click on \"Close SW1\", \"Close SW2\"," "\"Close SW3\", or \"Close SW4\". To close any combination of switches (and" "leave the others in there existing state), use the lever buttons under" "the \"Close Switch Combinations\" label. When done, click on the \"Close" "Driver\" label to finish." "" "To turn switch 1 on, a value of 128 (2^7) must be sent to the output" "value of the Service Request (Res_Sta_ioValue). Switch 2 requires" "64 (2^6) to turn on, switch 3 requires 32 (2^5), and switch 4 requires" "16 (2^4). To turn on multiple switches at the same time, the output " "value is the sum of the individual values (SW1 and SW2 on require " "128+64 = 192)." "Note: When the computer is rebooted, all the switches will be placed" "in the \"closed\" or \"on\" position. The red/green buttons simply indicate" "the position of the lever buttons, and do not read the state of the " "relays." "" "" ""))) (device 162 FORMULA (properties (name "Send a DO to a Single Channel") (expr 19 "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem=DL_DO;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode=DL_POLLED;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op=DL_START;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_format=DL_tNATIVE;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_start=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_startGainCode=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_samples=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_N=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue=A;" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue" "" "" "" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 163 START25 (properties (name "Close SW 1"))) (device 164 FORMULA (properties (name "Send a DO to a Single Channel") (expr 19 "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem=DL_DO;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode=DL_POLLED;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op=DL_START;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_format=DL_tNATIVE;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_start=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_startGainCode=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_samples=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_N=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue=A;" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue" "" "" "" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 165 FORMULA (properties (name "Send a DO to a Single Channel") (expr 19 "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem=DL_DO;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode=DL_POLLED;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op=DL_START;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_format=DL_tNATIVE;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_start=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_startGainCode=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_samples=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_N=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue=A;" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue" "" "" "" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 166 FORMULA (properties (name "Send a DO to a Single Channel") (expr 19 "DriverLINXSR.Req_subsystem=DL_DO;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_mode=DL_POLLED;" "DriverLINXSR.Req_op=DL_START;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Str_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Stp_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Evt_Tim_type=DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_format=DL_tNATIVE;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_N=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_start=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_chan_startGainCode=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_samples=1;" "DriverLINXSR.Sel_buf_N=0;" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue=A;" "DriverLINXSR.Refresh();" "DriverLINXSR.Res_Sta_ioValue" "" "" "" "")) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 167 LABEL (properties (name "Close Individual Switches") (labelValue "Close Individual Switches")) (implementation)) (device 168 LABEL (properties (name "Close Switch Combinations") (labelValue "Close Switch Combinations")) (implementation)) (configuration (connect D5:0 D2:0) (connect D0:0 D3:0) (connect D6:0 D5:0) (connect D3:0 D6:0) (connect D7:0 D8:0) (connect D6:1 D15:1) (connect D6:2 D16:1) (connect D5:1 D17:1) (connect D5:2 D18:1) (connect D2:1 D19:1) (connect D2:2 D20:1) (connect D21:1 D25:1) (connect D21:1 D26:1) (connect D22:1 D26:2) (connect D23:1 D26:3) (connect D24:1 D26:4) (connect D22:1 D27:1) (connect D23:1 D28:1) (connect D24:1 D29:1) (connect D32:0 D31:0) (connect D4:1 D31:1) (connect D9:0 D33:0) (connect D10:1 D33:1) (connect D11:0 D34:0) (connect D12:1 D34:1) (connect D13:0 D35:0) (connect D14:1 D35:1)) (ShowOnExecPanel)) (contextCarrier (wndOrigin -1 6) (wndState res) (active detail) (panel (extent 839 618) (widget 11 detail (relativeOrigin 80 280) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 71 31)) (widget 13 detail (relativeOrigin 80 310) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 71 31)) (widget 36 detail (relativeOrigin 50 180) (title off) (borderStyle convex) (extent 157 27) (just c)) (widget 9 detail (relativeOrigin 80 250) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 71 31)) (widget 32 detail (relativeOrigin 80 220) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 71 31)) (widget 37 detail (relativeOrigin 250 180) (title off) (borderStyle convex) (extent 167 27) (just c)) (widget 25 detail (relativeOrigin 360 210) (title off) (borderStyle flat) (extent 47 47) (labelSpacing 2) (fastmode on) (layout round) (hifont "Arial" 12 bold) (lowfont "Arial" 12 bold)) (widget 23 detail (relativeOrigin 280 310) (title off) (borderStyle convex) (extent 77 47) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (widget 24 detail (relativeOrigin 280 360) (title off) (borderStyle convex) (extent 77 47) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (widget 21 detail (relativeOrigin 280 210) (title off) (borderStyle convex) (extent 77 47) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (widget 27 detail (relativeOrigin 360 260) (title off) (borderStyle flat) (extent 47 47) (labelSpacing 2) (fastmode on) (layout round) (hifont "Arial" 12 bold) (lowfont "Arial" 12 bold)) (widget 28 detail (relativeOrigin 360 310) (title off) (borderStyle flat) (extent 47 47) (labelSpacing 2) (fastmode on) (layout round) (hifont "Arial" 12 bold) (lowfont "Arial" 12 bold)) (widget 29 detail (relativeOrigin 360 360) (title off) (borderStyle flat) (extent 47 45) (labelSpacing 2) (fastmode on) (layout round) (hifont "Arial" 12 bold) (lowfont "Arial" 12 bold)) (widget 22 detail (relativeOrigin 280 260) (title off) (borderStyle convex) (extent 77 47) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (widget 30 icon (relativeOrigin 270 40) (title off) (borderStyle flat) (extent 125 51) (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (widget 7 detail (relativeOrigin 150 40) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 95 25)) (widget 0 detail (relativeOrigin 60 40) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 95 25))) (detail (extent 839 618) (anchorPt 147 75) (configuration (devCarrierFor 10 (active open) (icon (extent 86 0)) (open (extent 95 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 300 -30)) (devCarrierFor 87 (active open) (icon (extent 82 15)) (open (extent 155 47)) (pinCenter 120 100)) (devCarrierFor 88 (active icon) (icon (extent 185 25)) (open (extent 385 207)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 300 210)) (devCarrierFor 106 (active icon) (icon (extent 132 15)) (open (extent 285 42)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 300 40)) (devCarrierFor 111 (active icon) (icon (extent 31 15)) (open (extent 75 27) (showFormat int) (formatter (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))) (pinCenter -90 290)) (devCarrierFor 113 (active icon) (icon (extent 119 25)) (open (extent 405 357)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 300 150)) (devCarrierFor 114 (active icon) (icon (extent 92 25)) (open (extent 325 227)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 300 90)) (devCarrierFor 119 (active open) (icon (extent 82 0)) (open (extent 95 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 520 -40)) (devCarrierFor 120 (active icon) (icon (extent 74 25)) (open (extent 345 292)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 520 20)) (devCarrierFor 123 (active open) (icon (extent 71 0)) (open (extent 75 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 40 320)) (devCarrierFor 125 (active icon) (icon (extent 31 15)) (open (extent 67 29) (showFormat int) (formatter (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))) (pinCenter -90 360)) (devCarrierFor 128 (active open) (icon (extent 71 0)) (open (extent 75 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 40 390)) (devCarrierFor 129 (active icon) (icon (extent 31 15)) (open (extent 67 29) (showFormat int) (formatter (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))) (pinCenter -90 420)) (devCarrierFor 132 (active open) (icon (extent 71 0)) (open (extent 75 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 40 460)) (devCarrierFor 133 (active icon) (icon (extent 35 15)) (open (extent 67 29) (showFormat int) (formatter (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))) (pinCenter -90 500)) (devCarrierFor 134 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 75 17)) (pinCenter 450 80)) (devCarrierFor 135 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 125 27)) (pinCenter 590 80)) (devCarrierFor 136 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 75 17)) (pinCenter 450 140)) (devCarrierFor 137 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 121 22)) (pinCenter 590 140)) (devCarrierFor 138 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 85 17)) (pinCenter 460 200)) (devCarrierFor 139 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 121 22)) (pinCenter 590 200)) (devCarrierFor 140 (active open) (icon (extent 75 0)) (open (extent 75 45) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (title off) (pinCenter 350 320)) (devCarrierFor 148 (active open) (icon (extent 75 0)) (open (extent 75 45) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (title off) (pinCenter 350 370)) (devCarrierFor 149 (active open) (icon (extent 75 0)) (open (extent 75 45) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (title off) (pinCenter 350 420)) (devCarrierFor 150 (active open) (icon (extent 75 0)) (open (extent 75 45) (scaled off) (showTitle on) (format hrocker)) (title off) (pinCenter 350 470)) (devCarrierFor 156 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 45 45) (labelSpacing 2) (fastmode on) (layout round) (hifont "Arial" 12 bold) (lowfont "Arial" 12 bold)) (title off) (pinCenter 280 320)) (devCarrierFor 157 (active icon) (icon (extent 89 54)) (terminals on) (pinCenter 510 350)) (devCarrierFor 158 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 45 45) (labelSpacing 2) (fastmode on) (layout round) (hifont "Arial" 12 bold) (lowfont "Arial" 12 bold)) (title off) (pinCenter 280 370)) (devCarrierFor 159 (active open) (icon) (open (extent 45 45) (labelSpacing 2) (fastmode on) (layout round) 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(devCarrierFor 167 (active open) (icon (extent 155 0)) (open (extent 155 25) (just c)) (title off) (pinCenter 40 200)) (devCarrierFor 168 (active open) (icon (extent 168 0)) (open (extent 165 27) (just c)) (title off) (pinCenter 330 260)) (connect D5:0 D2:0 (points 2 300 165 300 195)) (connect D0:0 D3:0 (points 2 300 -15 300 30)) (connect D6:0 D5:0 (points 2 300 105 300 135)) (connect D3:0 D6:0 (points 2 300 50 300 75)) (connect D7:0 D8:0 (points 2 520 -25 520 5)) (connect D6:1 D15:1 (points 2 348 80 410 80)) (connect D6:2 D16:1 (points 4 348 100 510 100 510 80 525 80)) (connect D5:1 D17:1 (points 2 362 140 410 140)) (connect D5:2 D18:1 (points 4 362 160 510 160 510 140 527 140)) (connect D2:1 D19:1 (points 2 395 200 415 200)) (connect D2:2 D20:1 (points 6 395 220 410 220 410 230 520 230 520 200 527 200)) (connect D21:1 D25:1 (points 6 390 320 410 320 410 280 240 280 240 320 255 320)) (connect D21:1 D26:1 (points 4 390 320 410 320 410 330 463 330)) (connect D22:1 D26:2 (points 4 390 370 420 370 420 340 463 340)) (connect D23:1 D26:3 (points 4 390 420 430 420 430 350 463 350)) (connect D24:1 D26:4 (points 4 390 470 440 470 440 360 463 360)) (connect D22:1 D27:1 (points 6 390 370 410 370 410 520 240 520 240 370 255 370)) (connect D23:1 D28:1 (points 6 390 420 420 420 420 530 230 530 230 420 255 420)) (connect D24:1 D29:1 (points 6 390 470 400 470 400 510 250 510 250 470 255 470)) (connect D32:0 D31:0 (points 2 40 255 40 280)) (connect D4:1 D31:1 (points 2 -72 290 -57 290)) (connect D9:0 D33:0 (points 2 40 335 40 350)) (connect D10:1 D33:1 (points 2 -72 360 -57 360)) (connect D11:0 D34:0 (points 2 40 405 40 410)) (connect D12:1 D34:1 (points 2 -72 420 -57 420)) (connect D13:0 D35:0 (points 2 40 475 40 490)) (connect D14:1 D35:1 (points 2 -70 500 -57 500))) (stackingOrder 25 27 28 29 15 19 16 18 20 17 2 5 6 0 8 26 21 1 33 32 9 11 34 13 35 14 12 10 4 24 7 22 23 30 36 37 31 3)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))